
The purpose of this site is to save the film history of British American Football from the early years of the sport for the benefit of the Britball community as a whole. It is not meant to steal other peoples work. Accordingly if a person asserts they have copyright to any film herein it will be removed immediately.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

1991 BNGL Bowl London Capitals -v- Clydesdale Colts

Not the best quality video I'm afraid but thanks to Jim Briggs we have (most of) another final game

Sunday, 26 May 2013

1991 Mar 31st Pre-Season Essex Gladiators @ Leicester Panthers

Tony Rivers has increased the number of Leicester Panthers games with this Pre-Season clash against Essex Gloadiators

1989 Jun 4th Stoke Spitfires -v- Scunthorpe Steelers

I've had some Stoke people in touch and some Scunthorpe people in touch and thanks to a tape from Jim Briggs I have tries to keep both groups happy with this film.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

1991 Mar 24th Scrimmage Thames Valley Chargers @ Leicester Panthers

A scrimmage before the 1991 season with thanks to Tony Rivers for the tape

1986 June 22nd Hereford Chargers -v- Dutchy Destroyers

While trawling the Internet for film I found a site where it suggests the original owner of this film is still providing copies as part of his business. Therefore to avoid any problems I have withdrawn this film until I can obtain permission to share it again.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

1988 Luton Flyers -v- Chelmsford Cherokee

With thanks to Tony Rivers for the film.

The sound stops after a while but the film is the complete game

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

1987 Leicester Panther Youth v Durham City Chiefs Youth

Thanks to Andy Crowther for this posting

Andy has a lot of films on his Youtube pages which will not feature in this archive at present (but will probably make it in time) and so you might want to have a look there if you want some more recent films